
Are you having a hard time taking your law firm to the next level? This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise.

There are, after all, more than 1.3 million lawyers in this country. There are also tens of thousands of law firms. It can make it challenging for you to push your law firm to the forefront.

But you shouldn’t lose hope. The right law firm marketing strategies can help you grow your law firm in no time. They’ll put your firm on the map and have your phone ringing off the hook.

Are you ready to experience this? Then you should take the time to learn about the different types of marketing for law firms you can do.

Here are a handful of law firm marketing strategies that’ll take your practice to the top and let it stay there for years to come.

Set Up a Website

According to the 2022 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, about 95% of law firms already have websites. If you fall into this category, great. You’re well on your way to using your website as part of your law firm marketing strategy.

If, however, you haven’t created a website for your law firm yet, it’s way overdue. Your firm won’t be able to achieve any measure of success without a fully functioning website that caters to your clients.

Your website should be loaded with content that breaks down everything people will need to know about your law firm. It should also make it very easy for people to get in contact with your law firm if they’d like to potentially work with you.

Invest in SEO

It isn’t enough for your law firm to simply set up a website and call it a day. You’ll also need to invest in search engine optimization, or SEO, for it.

What is SEO? Well, it’s a process that involves making certain improvements to your website to ensure that Google and the other search engines look favorably upon it.

All of the content you post on your site will need to contain specific keywords that your potential clients might search for. It’ll also need to have the right combination of internal and external links on it.

Furthermore, you’ll need to work hard to get other sites out there to link to your law firm’s site if at all possible. It’ll make your site look more trustworthy and authoritative and push it to the top of search engine results pages.

You’re welcome to try to incorporate the best SEO practices into your site if you know how to do it. But more often than not, you’ll be better off hiring a company that provides marketing for lawyers to provide you with SEO services.

Create a Blog

As part of your law firm’s SEO strategy, you’ll need to make sure you’re adding fresh content to your website all the time. An easy way to do this will be by creating a blog for content marketing purposes.

You can use this blog to answer the questions people ask you all the time. You’ll be able to point them in the right direction when they ask you these questions from now on.

You’ll also be able to connect with people who might Google these questions in the hopes of having them answered by a professional. They’ll end up on your site to find the answers they’re looking for, and if they like what you have to say, it could lead to them contacting you for legal help.

A blog should be so much more than just a way to improve your website’s SEO. It should also be the place where people can go to get a better sense of what your law firm brings to the table.

Give PPC a Try

The great thing about SEO is that it’s going to welcome a lot of organic traffic to your website. People who might not end up on it otherwise will come across your site and familiarize themselves with your law firm because of your SEO push.

But you shouldn’t rely solely on SEO to generate traffic for your site. You should also consider giving pay-per-click marketing, better known as PPC, a try.

What is PPC? It’s a paid advertising strategy that will have you running ads on Google Ads, Facebook, and more. These ads will ideally be targeted toward those people who might be looking for a lawyer in your area.

As its name would suggest, PPC will require you to pay for all the traffic it’s able to provide to your site. But the cost associated with it will be well worth it once you see the interest it’s able to create in your law firm.

Use a CRM

When you employ SEO and PPC strategies properly, it won’t be long before people begin contacting your law firm for assistance. You’re going to need to find a reliable way to store their information so that you can use it accordingly.

In a perfect world, you should obtain a Customer Relationship Management product. It’ll help to bring your law firm’s marketing, sales, and customer service teams together in one place where they can all collaborate to provide your clients with excellent experiences.

It’s going to be easy for some of your clients to get lost in the shuffle once your law firm gets busy. A digital marketing company like Venn Digital Marketing can step in and help. They’ll set you up with a CRM like HubSpot that’ll make it simpler for your firm to keep up.

Explore Email Marketing

As you gather information from your clients and even just those who might be interested in turning into your clients one day, you should make every effort to get their email addresses. By doing this, you’ll put your law firm in a position to harness the power of email marketing.

Email marketing is an effective way for you to check in on those who have shown an interest in your law firm in the past. Every time you send out an email to them, it’ll remind them that you’re always around if they need legal help.

You will, of course, want to be careful about not pushing too hard when it comes to email marketing. You may run the risk of overwhelming your clients and having them unsubscribe from your email marketing list.

But when done right, using email marketing can help your law firm generate leads and gain an edge over your competition. It can also make your firm come across as more caring and compassionate.

Write a Newsletter

If you’d like to go all out with your email marketing efforts, a good way to do it is by putting together a newsletter every month or so. This newsletter will give you a good reason to send out an email to everyone on your email marketing list. It’ll also provide people with valuable information about your law firm and the things going on with it.

Your goal when writing a newsletter for your past, present, and future clients should be to set them up with useful and interesting content. It should also work in details about how your law firm might be able to help them.

You don’t want to make your newsletter too sales-y and risk having people delete it as soon as it comes in. But at the same time, you shouldn’t be shy about including information about your law firm’s services as you see fit.

Establish a Social Media Presence

Does your law firm have an account set up on at least one social media platform? If so, that’s a good start, but you should try to establish a strong social media presence on as many platforms as you can.

For many law firms, this means creating accounts on the Facebooks and Instagrams of the world. But you should also take things a step further and sign up for accounts on LinkedIn and lawyer-specific platforms like Martindale and Avvo.

You obviously don’t want to spend 24/7/365 on social media and forget all about the other law firm marketing strategies you should be capitalizing on. But social media is a fantastic tool for those law firms looking to establish an identity.

Whether you want to show off your legal prowess on social media or demonstrate that your firm strives to make practicing law fun, you can come up with whatever personality you want on social media. It’ll give you yet another way to connect with clients and generate leads like never before.

Rack Up Online Reviews

If someone is thinking about contacting your law firm to utilize your services, they’re likely going to read online reviews for it first. What are they going to find?

If you don’t have the slightest clue, get out there and see what people are saying about your law firm. If you don’t have glowing reviews from past clients, it’s going to be a problem.

The chances of people calling on your law firm for help after reading through negative reviews for it will be slim to none. It’ll destroy whatever other trust you were able to establish with them through the rest of your law firm marketing strategies.

At the very least, you should make an attempt to respond to all the online reviews you receive. It’ll prove that your firm cares about your reputation.

But it would also be worth making a more concerted effort to motivate your clients to leave you more positive reviews. These reviews will reflect well on your firm and show people you’re committed to keeping your clients satisfied.

Hire a Law Firm Marketing Company

Recent studies have suggested that most law firms don’t have in-house marketing teams. They’ve also shown that many law firms have scaled back on how much they spend on their marketing efforts.

This is actually great news for your law firm if you’re going to be using law firm marketing strategies soon. You may be able to gain a leg up on your closest competitors simply by making marketing a bigger priority.

But you should think about making the most of it by hiring a law firm marketing company to assist you. Venn Digital Marketing is a company you can count on for law firm marketing.

We can provide you with a slew of lawyer marketing services like:

  • HubSpot CRM consulting
  • Digital marketing consulting (SEO, PPC, email, lead generation, etc.)
  • General consulting for all your other online marketing needs

We are both a HubSpot Certified Partner and a Google Partner. This should give you even more confidence in our ability to create a winning law firm marketing strategy for you.

We can customize a law firm marketing strategy from scratch based on the goals that you would like to reach. We can also use our experience and expertise to turn you into one of the top law firms in your entire area.

Contact Us for Your Law Firm Marketing Needs

Is your current law firm marketing strategy not working as well as you hoped it would? Or are you not using a law firm marketing strategy at all and suffering the consequences because of it?

Either way, Venn Digital Marketing is here to help. Our talented team of digital marketing experts will deliver all the services you need to take your law firm to the highest heights. We’ll also continue to update you on the latest digital marketing trends so that your law firm is always one step ahead of the competition.

Touch base with us today to get started.